Super versatile and perfectly sized, Stanley’s 20 oz Quencher H2.0 fits in anywhere: deskside, bedside, cup holder and next to your yoga mat. Fill it with ice-cold water or your favorite iced coffee or fruit smoothie. The double-wall vacuum insulation will keep things cold for 8 hours and iced for 30 hours. And with the advanced FlowStateâ„¢ lid, you get a rotating cover with three positions: a straw opening designed to resist splashes while holding the reusable straw in place, a drink opening, and a full-cover top that prevents spills. Made with 90% recycled stainless-steel to help you live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Recycled stainless steel icon inside the tumbler indicates your Quencher is made from sustainable materials
Double-wall vacuum insulation
FlowStateâ„¢ screw-on 3-position lid: The lid rotates to the straw opening, drink spout opening, or closed position.
Reusable straw
Car cup holder compatible (base diameter: 3.15 inches) Good news! Sizes up to 40 oz will comfortably fit most car and truck cupholders.
Dishwasher safe: You can pop your Quencher in the dishwasher or wash by hand, if you prefer.
90% recycled 18/8 stainless steel, BPA-free
Weight: 0.72 lb.
Dimensions: 3.45Lx3.54Wx8.96H
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